Dhyana has 40+ dedicated years experience as a

Holistic Wellness Educator and Practitioner

Dhyana Bohnet Holistic Health Wellness Life Counseling

Dhyana is Available by Appointment for Wellness and Vedic Astrology Consultations and Hands-On Sessions at her Ayurveda Healing Arts Office ~

Located in Sebastopol, Ca.

Online Zoom Consultations available

Dhyana loves helping her clients discover and cultivate the hero and healer within the current health crisis or challenging life transition.

Restorative Wellness Journey draws from many holistic disciplines cultivated and woven, embraced and explored since the late 1970s. From practical daily health routines (dinacharya), to pacifying the ever-changing nature of the mind (manas chikitsa), to energy flow enhancement (prana chikitsa / Qi-flow) and ease of access to your divine being (inner peace). Dhyana is honored and delighted to have the opportunity to serve You!

Jyotish / Vedic Astrology ~ Life Counseling

“Leveraging the effectiveness of our work together, my passion is to use your Vedic Astrology kundali (chart) and the Jyotish Vidya (knowledge) as a potent guiding light in our work together. Jyotish translates as the Science of Light. Along with a deep dive into this wisdom science, I have been sensitive to energy since childhood. I have trained and learned to utilize these gifts of Intuitive perceiving, feeling and knowing, empathic listening and genuine caring for your benefit and all those connected to you. 💜 In Dedication to the Upliftment and Awakening of all sentient Beings!”

Ayurveda Consultation and Bodywork Treatments:

Dhyana offers Ayurveda consultations with pulse assessment (Nadi Vignanam). An Integrative Wellness consultation may include holistic lifestyle counseling, customized Ayurveda diet and herbal remedies, digestive wellness, aging issues and rejuvenation, (Rasayana), sleep hygiene, stress reduction and self-care, and subtle energy therapies. Specialties include natural vision improvement and eye health, and holistic integrative support during cancer therapy.

Holistic Bodywork may include Nourishing Abhyanga massage, Lymphatic drainage massage with tools, Subtle hands on therapies for nervous system detox and energy healing, and Marma Chikitsa (acupressure point therapy).

Dhyana holds certification and clinical experience in many healing disciplines-cranial-sacral and polarity therapy, access consciousness bars, color-puncture, medical qigong, spiritual phyto-essencing, celestial herbalism, and hypnotherapy. She draws on yoga science, meditation, mantra and resiliency practices to alleviate stress, suffering, dis-ease and tap the realm of miracles to receive your natural potential for relaxation, ease, joy and freedom from pain.

Education and Work Experience

Dhyana is a professional Member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association, and a N.A.M.A. approved Ayurvedic Practitioner, a certified Nutritionist, and a longtime CMT- certified massage therapist. She received in-depth Ayurveda Health Sciences education and clinical training at the dhyana Center of Health Sciences with Founder and Instructor DeAnna Batdorff, fulfilling her Internship from 2011- 2014 in Ayurveda foundations, holistic nutrition, clinical aromatherapy and pancha karma bodywork techniques. Additionally, she has studied with Kerala Ayurveda Academy, and easyayurvda.com out of Karnataka, India.

Professionally, she worked as an Ayurvedic Practitioner at the dhyana Center Treatment Center from 2014 -2020, offering Ayurveda signature body treatments, pulse assessment and health consultations, pancha karma, and Vedic astrology consults. Additionally, she has been employed at the Forestville Wellness Center Medical Clinic - West County Health Centers (WCHC) since 2014 - present. Located in West Sonoma County, California, this unique Integrative Wellness clinic provides a full array of holistic therapies to patients with low income Medicaid and regular health Insurance. In these capacities and in private practice, Dhyana has worked with 1000’s of people as an Ayurvedic practitioner over the past 12+ years.

Dhyana currently (2025) offers weekly Medical Qigong classes through WCHC on Fridays and Mondays. You must be a patient of WCHC to attend. Stay tuned for a public class coming soon in Sebastopol, CA 95472

Medical Qigong Instruction- Find your inner flow, deepen your breath and cultivate greater relaxation, balance, and inner calm. Energy, strength and flexibility, resilience and longevity is enhanced.

Revelation and Self Healing

Her lifelong passion and professional involvement with natural health, spiritual growth and personal transformation eventually guided her to the nourishing, restorative, and self empowering practice of Ayurveda the time tested natural health care system of Ancient India. This unfolding love affair began around 2009, following a life changing bout with advanced cancer. Fortunately, through a combined protocol of powerful holistic therapies, western medical treatments and the support of great doctors, family, friends, and Gods grace she fully recovered. Dhyana found Ayurveda to be the perfect holistic support system as the path to recovery and rejuvenation from such an experience. She embraced the deep time-tested knowledge of balanced lifestyle, self care and nutrition, and sought to deeply understand her unique nature through the five elements and alchemy of earth, water, fire, air and ether as a way to restore balance and harmony on an ongoing, daily basis. Concurrently she deepened her dedication to the study and practice of Medical Qigong practice and training. This has proven to be an extremely important and valuable lifestyle enhancement that stabilized and transformed her life and foundation for health in so many beneficial ways. Naturally she had to add this deep dive study and apply it to her healing practice to help others.

Other Interests

Dhyana teaches medical qigong, dance of Shiva, and is a long time student of Indian Raga music, She has studied and practices many branches of Yoga sciences including Kriya Yoga and Daoist meditation. She lives in Northern California with her life partner who is an avid gardener, bird lover, and race car engineer. She enjoys a thriving connection to her circle of friends and kindred soul-tribe community. Gratitude to the Divine Mother in all of her forms! ❤️

Click here to read more about Dhyana’s credentials and educational background.